Jim Differ

I’ve told this story many times, but I have to tell it once more.

Ten-ish years ago, I was busking on the curb at the Thunder Bay marina. I was playing a song by a local group called “Flamenco Caravan” (*wink*) when this guy walked up and said, “hey, that’s a nice song you’re playing. Also, I played drums on that record.”

Meeting Jim was one of the best things that has ever happened to me. A lot of how I feel about music, I learned from him. I learned how to have fun on stage by being on stage with him. He was one of the most entertaining and passionate musicians I think I’ll ever know. More than that, he was a great person and a great friend, and in the ten years I knew him he was one of the people I looked up to most.

I am proud to have called him a bandmate. I am so happy to have called him my friend.


north shore - november


north shore - week seven [final week]